
囌丹沖突代表團會談在日內瓦落幕 2024-01-10


September 7 - The official publication and distribution of the English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, German, Arabic, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Lao versions of the 'Communiqué of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China' have commenced, marking a global release of the document.

The 'Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensive Deepening of Reforms and Advancing China's Modernization in a Chinese Context' and its related explanatory material have also been made available in multiple languages for dissemination both domestically and internationally.

Furthermore, the ethnic minority language editions in Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Kazakh, Korean, Yi, and Zhuang have been published by the Nationalities Publishing House and are now accessible to the public nationwide, promoting diversity and inclusivity in cultural representation.

These multilingual publications serve as an important tool for sharing China's policy directions and reform initiatives with a global audience, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation between China and other nations.

The dissemination of these documents in various languages embodies China's commitment to transparency, communication, and engagement with the international community, facilitating exchanges on governance, development, and modernization efforts.

Countries and readers worldwide are encouraged to utilize these foreign language editions to enhance their understanding of China's policies, initiatives, and strategic directions in the realms of governance, economic development, and social progress.

By providing these texts in a diverse array of languages, the Communist Party of China aims to facilitate dialogue and cooperation with different cultures, promoting mutual learning, peaceful coexistence, and global harmony.

The release of these publications represents a significant step towards fostering greater global awareness and appreciation of China's development path, governance philosophy, and modernization drive, contributing to a more interconnected and harmonious world community.

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